
Casual Games


Alexis Allard & Joan Dufour




Flip your cards to uncover vibrant landscapes of land, sea, or sky

Flip your cards in Verso to uncover vibrant landscapes of land, sea, or sky while trying to create sequences and form squares.


To set up, create a deck with 15 cards per player. Each card is double-sided, with a color (blue, green, or orange), a value (1–6 or a joker), and victory points (1 or 3) on one side; the reverse side will have a different color, the other VP value, and an adjacent number (4 or 6 if the front side is a 5) or a joker.


On a turn, either draw a card or bank a sequence. If you draw, take the top card of the deck and either keep it without looking at the back or flip it; add it to your display, keeping each color in its own row. If you would place a card identical to what you already have, discard it instead.


If you have 2-6 cards in sequence in a single color, you can bank them. Take VP tokens from the reserve equal to the sum of the VP on the sequenced cards, then discard the two highest cards in your sequence. Each neighboring player must flip their highest non-joker card in this same color, discarding it if it matches a card they already have and otherwise placing it in the correct row.


If you ever have a 3×3 square of cards — that is, three cards in each of the three colors — you score 7 VP, regardless of whose turn it is. You must bank a sequence before you can score a square again.

When the deck runs out, each player banks one sequence (without causing their neighbors to flip anything), then the player with the most points wins.

You can also play Verso solo, alternating turns with a simulated opponent that may flip one of your highest cards to a different color. Try to top the designers’ top score of 64.

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