Contact us Contact us directly Last name * : First name * : E-mail * : Phone Number * : Subject * : Message : You agree to send your contact details to Gigamic (Data Controller / ZA les Garennes 62930 Wimereux) and its service providers for the management of your request, Your data is kept for a period in accordance with legal requirements. You can request access, rectification, erasure, opposition, portability and define post-mortem guidelines for your data from: Gigamic ZA les Garennes 62930 Wimereux or by email You can submit a complaint to the supervisory authority. * Mandatory fields In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of 6.01.78 CNIL n ° 311 563, you can at any time exercise your right of access or rectification of information concerning you by sending us an email using this contact form.